I personally think, that there are some kind of people that are really A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G to me, and I said this based on my experiences.
1) K.I.A.S.U. Kiasu should be applied in a good way.When someone is kiasu in a bad way, it is fucking annoying.He can't stand with all good things u have/did. Keep asking + kepochi with your life,EVERYDAY.stop it la.C'mon.Just improve yourself everyday, and pls don't be bothered with people achievements.If he is better than you, you beat him positively.And it is sooooo annoying if you kiasu with someone loser than you.
2) Fucking filthy rich people (some of them!). Making you rich,doesn't give you right to make fun of people.Be humble is the only things that makes people respect you.Stop bragging about your wonderful life, when people around you are unlucky to have it. Be grateful of what u have.After all,it's not your money.It's your parents'.Come to me 10 years later, and u can talk bout your lots..and lots of money for the whole day.
3) PHD. I dont want to write the meaning.I'm sure u know it very well. My first question for this people,what u get from PHD? What u do to other people today, may happen to you in future.It's what we call as K.A.R.M.A.What goes around,comes around. Allah watching you all the time.
4) "Syok Sendiri" Guy/Girl. This is damn funny. It's when a guy non-stop bragging about his JAMBU/MACHO/HENSEM face,when it's obviously NOT.Go buy a mirror.A very,very LARGE mirror. And gurl, we just want to talk to you, be friend with you and make jokes. But you thinks we have feelings for u, and u start your "JUAL MAHAL/DIVA" thing.
5) People who M.O.C.K. I think this kind of people is really bullshit. Anytime,anywhere non-stop mocking you.Dont you have other better things to do? You love mocking people.Maybe you had fun from it.But, THINK!. People that you mocked, surely dont feel the same.Especially when you mock their weakness.ARE YOU THAT PERFECT??? And it become SUPER ANNOYING,when u mocked them back, they felt SUPER ANGRY-FEEL LIKE WANT TO KILL YOU.Fuck u la. TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED! or in easy word,
got it?
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